Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quote of the day =)

hari ini dlm sejarah.... aku bangun awal! hoho =D kenapa? sbb nk masak cokodok pisang utk mama... ceyh anak solehah... poyos.. =)

actually post ni saja nk share ngn korg quotes aku baca dari readers digest tadi... buat kan aku senyum sorg2...

harap hari korg pn bermula dgn senyuman! =)

"Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need ten years before you can even call yourself a beginner" by Jerry Seinfeld

"Woman are like the police. They can have all the evidence in the world, but they still want the confession" by Chris Rock

very the true kan.... hahahaha =D

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