Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Marshmallow test.... Cute! :D

my dearest cousin showed me this video a long time ago.. comel sgt budak2 ni... korang tengok la sendiri ye...

ni video yg dia tunjuk hari tu....

and i found another one kat youtube... comellll nyerrr.... :D


1 anak patung:

Shida said...

I just read abt this in a magazine smlm. The title of the article is about WILL POWER. Ni menunjukkan tahap will power, and recently they did research again on the same kids and found most kids yang sanggup tunggu actually did so much better than kids yg makan terus...So Kuatkan lah semangat anda dr masak and makan bebanyak...hahahahhaha....