Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Red Carpet Affair :)

the best dinner ever! semalam was my pre-graduation dinner......... and it was so memorable! :)

It was havoc at first, and it involves some speeding (harap2 la tak dapat speeding tiket)... but at the end of the day, all the trouble that we went through was worth it... it will be one of the best memory ever for everyone that night.... gerenti lah beb! :D

more stories...... not now.. haha... aku suka kan lengah2 buat post... pastu malas.. hahaha.... :P

insyaAllah... bile aku free, aku upload gambar and stories ye! harap2 it will be in the near future... :)

p/s: the title tu theme dinner smalam... gempak kan! :)

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